A quick monthly read that helps you take small steps to lessen your environmental impact - SIMPLY

~A quick monthly read that helps you take small steps to lessen your environmental impact - SIMPLY~

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

JANUARY TIP: "For Here Please"

Happy New Year! It's 2009, the beginning of a brand spanking new year. It's always a little exciting to know you can renew a vision, start a new goal, or refocus on a current one all over again with out restrictions. We are going to be doing the same. As our blog states "A quick monthly read that helps you take small steps to lessen your environmental impact-...SIMPLY," with "simply" being the operative word, we are going to strive to stay in the spirit of our theme. Some may sound like "recycled" tips, but sometimes being given so many tips at once can get overwhelming and/or brushed to the side. We are hoping to bring that romance of each tip back into your lives.

This tip is for the almost 90% of our readers whom are current coffee house patrons, us included. While visiting your local coffee establishment is just dandy, it CAN be wasteful. Remember this saying: "for here please". For example, are you bringing along your laptop, book, a pen/pencil and pad ready for amazing artistic inspiration to come into play? Or are you visiting a friend for a long overdue conversation, or some other reason?.... Please remember to ask for your drink to be "for here please". They will use there in-house mugs, AND plates for your beloved pastry. You usually save about 10% off your bill because more and more places are encouraging this and give discounts. Just think of it as a sales-tax discount. Not too shabby. So whether your in a coffee house or tea house, don't be afraid to say "for here please". You are saving waste, and a little bit of cash!

Side note: We obviously encourage you to recycle your paper cup or use your own mug while visiting the drive-thru or making a quick "pit stop" at any of these fine establishments.

Here is a link to read the facts on why not only Styrofoam cups, but paper cups as well are negatively effecting the environment. http://www.sustainabilityissexy.com/facts.html

Happy New Year and let's try to be GREEN simply!

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