A quick monthly read that helps you take small steps to lessen your environmental impact - SIMPLY

~A quick monthly read that helps you take small steps to lessen your environmental impact - SIMPLY~

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 2008 Tip - LESS IS MORE

Tis’ the Season to consume. More than any time of year, we use and consume massive amounts of disposable items, from party supplies to wrapping paper, to buying the take-out meal for the family on the way home from the mall. This is the time to party and celebrate, but it’s also a time for making resolutions for the future. And with tough economic times, it’s a great time to look at ways we can consume less and save the environment at the same time.

This December, think ahead and pick a green resolution to go after in the New Year. Here is a quick list of a some small changes that might get you thinking.

1. Change your trip to the coffee bar by bringing your own mug or using an in-house mug. If you make 3-4 trips to the coffee shop a week, you’re saving 200 cups and lids a year. It’s a small change that makes a difference (and Starbucks gives a nice little discount for bringing your own mug!).

2. Refuse to use the disposable cups, bowls and utensils at your place of business. Buy a cheap set of dishes at the grocery store and use them again and again instead of the paper plates, cups and utensils provided for you. You’ll save your company money in the process.

3. Cut down on drives around town. Buy a bike if you live in a bike-friendly community and refuse to drive anywhere that is closer than 2 or 3 miles. It’s a fact that a bike ride within such distances is nearly as fast as driving your car. And check out www.walkscore.com to see how walk-friendly your community is.

4. Turn off your lights when you’re not in the room and unplug appliances and electronics that aren’t in use. Nearly half the nation’s CO2 emissions come from the energy we consume at home and work (via our power plant system), so wasting less unnecessary electricity at home is a tiny change that can have a massive effect.

Thanks again for reading and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you’ve enjoyed the 2008 collection of green tips and that 2009 is your greenest year ever.

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