A quick monthly read that helps you take small steps to lessen your environmental impact - SIMPLY

~A quick monthly read that helps you take small steps to lessen your environmental impact - SIMPLY~

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Happy November! Wow can you believe we are already entering the biggest shopping season of the year. With our economy as it is we thought it would be even more appropriate to write some very simple tips on how to save money, be more green, and have more fun while trying to gather your gifts for all your loved ones. Many of you buy early - I know we do! - so we thought posting this would give you a good head start.

These tips are not only Eco-friendly but HUGE money savers. Also, people seem to enjoy the gifts from the heart and we hope these tips spark just that.

  • Homemade gifts! These are the most popular. Whether it's baking, Christmas trail mix (a personal favorite), a simple painting (it doesn't have to be inspired by Monet), a hand-crafted album, one of their favorite pictures in a home made frame, or even just some of their favorite baked cookies. These all scream FROM THE HEART and you barely spent a dime. You also didn't waste gas, money, or time in those long lines.
  • Give to a GREEN compassion charity on there behalf, simply. For example www.heifer.org, a charity for sustainable farming in undeveloped countries provides animals and farming supplies to those in need all over the world. They will be so touched by the effort. I promise it will mean the world to them, especially if it is something they care very deeply about.
  • Buy local! Buying items produced locally means there's less environmental impact because there is no need for cross country OR international shipping. You're also helping a local small business who is struggling with the current economy just like you. Also, you might find you get the same deal you would at that "big one day sale" in a department store. Even if you have to pay a few dollars more, it's a worthy investment.
  • Give a "homemade"gift card that says your spending the day with them doing their favorite activity. I know it sounds a little cheesy, but having it written down and planned out shows them you not only will follow through but WANT to spend time with them, doing what THEY love to do. Quality time is a simple, loving gift.
  • Lastly, remember giving a gift is optional. No one should expect a present, that's not really the meaning of the holidays anyway. Again, with the economy as it is, they should be more than understanding. The act of just being there, giving an helping hand (especially if your Mother needs help setting up for Christmas dinner!), a sweet note and a hug, or a night out for coffee is not only less impact on your wallet but just as genuine an expression of gratitude.

~Side Note~
Don't forget if and when you go shopping to use REUSABLE bags, wrap your gifts in recycled paper or gift bags you've saved, and to hold off on the tissue paper! Also, you can try to make the simple effort of shopping in stores who encourage Green living. Have fun, and remember it can be very simple to be green this season!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
We are sincerely "thankful" for all of you and your support in reading GOING GREEN! Newsletter.

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